Varroa mites, Varroa jacobsoni (Parasitiformes: Varroidae), on honey bees.
Photo by J.G. Thomas.
Common Name: Varroa mite
Scientific Name: Varroa jacobsoni
Order: Acari
Description: This mite is large enough to see with the naked eye. It appears somewhat like a brown tortoise on the back of the adults or on the brood.
Life Cycle: Honey bee colonies infested with this parasite may take 2-3 years before they develop signs of infestation.
Habitat, Food Source(s), Damage: This mite feeds on hemolymph (body fluids) on the exterior of adult and brood of honey bees.
Pest Status: They can be a severe problem with the colony becoming weakened or even destroyed by this pest.
For additional information, contact your local Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service agent or search for other state Extension offices.
Literature: Merchant 1995. Pettis and Wilson 1990.