Common Name: Redshouldered bug
Scientific Name: Jadera haematoloma (Herrich-Schaffer)
Order: Hemiptera
Description: Adults are flattened, about 1/2-inch long and 1/3-inch wide, brownish-gray to black bugs with characteristic red eyes, back (pronotum) and wing markings. The segment behind the head (pronotum) has three red lines running lengthwise. Immatures or nymphs are red and develop black markings and wing pads as they grow. Another Rhopalid in the genus Niesthrea occurs on hibiscus in the landscape.
Life Cycle: Overwintered adult females deposit eggs in bark cracks and crevices in the spring at bud break. Nymphs hatch from eggs in about 2 weeks and develop through several stages (instars) during the summer before becoming winged adults. There may be two or more generations per year.
Habitat, Food Source(s), Damage: Nymphs and adults suck juices primarily from seeds of boxelder trees, but also suck juices from fruits of other trees (e.g., plum, cherry, apple, peach, grape, chinaberry, western soapberry, ash and maple). Young fruit may be scarred or dimpled from feeding activities. In the fall, large nymphs and winged adults leave host plants in search of overwintering habitats. They enter homes through cracks and crevices around doors and window frames and around the foundation. They also overwinter in tree holes and in piles of debris around the landscape. In the spring adults reappear and often sun themselves on light colored walls. In homes, the bugs may stain curtains, paper and other objects with fecal material.
Pest Status: Feeds on several kinds of trees, but are more of a problem when they enter houses in search of overwintering habitats; medically harmless.
For additional information, contact your local Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service agent or search for other state Extension offices.